The e - commerce world has changed since July, 1995, when Amazon was born.
自亚马孙公司1995年7月诞生以来, 电子商务 世界发生了巨大变化.
互联网B 2 C e - commerce system, client relationship management system, financial system, Internet marketing system.
B2C电子商务系统 、 客户关系管理系统 、 财务管理系统 、 网络营销系统.
互联网Since 2003, MOFCOM has been compiling the annual China Report on E - commerce .
商务部自2003年起每年组织撰写《中国 电子商务 发展报告》.
互联网E - commerce continues to reduce cost and impact on business.
电子商务 会继续降低成本,对商业产生影响.
互联网The E payment becomes the key part in the E commerce.
互联网The paper discusses E - commerce distinguishing feature shocking civil jurisdiction.
本文仅就 电子商务 的特点带给传统民事管辖权的冲击作为引线,略陈己见.
互联网It is retail e - commerce - at least pure - play e - commerce .
它经营网上零售业务 ----- 至少是仅仅经营 电子商务.
互联网Take the lead in identifying potential E - commerce opportunities with key suppliers.
率先与主要供应商确定潜在的 电子商务 机遇.
互联网I don't know anything about e - commerce .
关于 电子商务 我什么都不知道.
辞典例句Have you ever heard of E - commerce?
你听说过“E - commerce” 吗 ?
互联网As we move into broadband, a wide range of e-commerce services will become available.
柯林斯例句If I were a tycoon, I would invest more money on e - commerce .
如果我是大款, 我会投资很多资金在 电子商务 里.
互联网What e - commerce web site development and technology which would be better used?
电子商务 的网站开发究竟采用哪项技术会更好?
互联网They're planning to develop relationships with many e - commerce shops.
他们打算与多家 电子商务 商店发展合作关系.
互联网The fundament of developing e - commerce is the enterprise - grade e - commerce system.
发展 电子商务 最基本的是企业级的 电子商务 体系.
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